Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Push

I felt the need to write something inspiring, so forgive me. Right now a lot of people are going through extreme changes in their lives. I'm right there with them. My life is completely different from how it was a year ago. Change can be really scary. How can we be secure when we're unsure of what lies ahead? It may be naive of anyone to think that comfort will last forever, but comfort brings pleasure. When it's gone we must somehow deal with the pain of moving in a new direction, even if it was not asked for. One thing I've learned and am still learning is to simply trust that it will all work out in the end. It's easier said than done, I know, but we can't just stop and think of all the things that stand in the way of being happy again. We all make mistakes or sometimes new paths come across us that we just have to take. The first step is the most difficult and there might be a great deal of distance between them, but every step is an accomplishment in its own. We all want happiness and at some point, we all achieve happiness. Unfortunately, happiness is a fragile thing, it breaks easily and we must obtain it once again. This is where change comes to play and this where you must decide to accept it or stay where you are with your hands empty. I hope for myself and for all of you, that you take that first step and all the steps necessary to be happy again. You'll fall down, you'll have to sacrifice, and there will be days when you can't see the worth of moving on. Although they might not seem to be, these are just minor complications that will dissipate if you keep your goal in mind. A small pause is nothing, in your life's travels you may need to pause to keep track of where you're going. Stopping completely is where you lose the opportunity to obtain happiness.

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