Friday, June 27, 2008

NOVEMBER 28, 2006???

DAMN, I am sooooo lame. November 28, TWO THOUSAND SIX was the last time I posted something. That is so typical me hahaha. My GOD so much has happened since then. (Here's a more recent picture of me hahaha) Well by far the biggest thing that's happened to me is I'm back in school! Yup, I am a junior at Cal State Long Beach, sexy huh? For those of you who don't know me, I was working for uber-lame mortgage company and just uber-lame company in general, Countrywide Home Loans. I started working there in 2002 and I swear I never in my wildest nightmares thought I would stay there for so long, but I did. It's funny how being comfortable somewhere can actually get you stuck, which is exactly what happened with me. I had no interest in the mortgage industry, the job I had was just easy and I made pretty good money. Comfort doesn't necessarily mean happiness though. After nearly 5 years in that 8-5 boring hell hole, I found myself lost and I realized I had forgotten about the dreams and goals I had made for myself a long time ago. I've always wanted to work in the entertainment industry. I want to have a career where I can use my imagination, be creative, and more importantly, do what makes me happy. It took a long time to get through my hard head, but I finally realized, I need to go back to school and get my degree. For the longest time though I questioned how I would get back to school. It was always "How Jay? You have to pay for your car, you're going to have to pay rent, how are you going to afford everything if you don't work here at Countrywide?" All that questioning took up so much of my time, I wasn't going anywhere. So I said, FUCK IT, just do it, don't ask how, face the obstacles when you they come to you. I mustered up the courage and quit my job. It turned out to be the best decision I could have ever made . . . and I'll tell you why in the next post because it's late and I need to gets to bed!

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