Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Winding Down

Every night it's the same. Come around, say, oh 9:00 I'm super tired from my day. Of course it would be ideal for me to go to bed and rest, but of course I never do what's ideal for me. Inconvenience is the name of my game! Instead of going to bed at a decent hour, I stay up watching reruns of shows that I've seen millions of times or that I have on DVD. If not that, then I'm on the computer searching bullshit. By the time I'm done with my knuckleheadness (yes, that's a word to me) I'm beyond exhausted and it's pushing 1 a.m. or later. Oh to live in a world where I could fall asleep before midnight and wake up refreshed with the birds chirping. I truly cannot think if I've ever woken up in the morning re-energized and ready for the day. The morning is usually hell on Earth for me and I'm sure I look like booty too. So yea just thought I'd waste more of my sleep time writing about how I waste my sleep time.

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