Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, Swine Flu has made it's way to my school. It has yet to be confirmed, but a student has been tested for it and right now it's a "probable positive." Ugh this whole thing is so annoying. The news makes it sound like we're all going to die, but then they tell us not to panic. And now I'm just so aware of "germiness" all around me. I was in class yesterday and I couldn't even focus because a grip of sick heffers were coughing their balls off. I was Mr. Worried Eyes all day. You can imagine how enthused I was to go to class today after I saw the news in the morning reporting that CSULB, MY SCHOOL, has a possible case of Swine Flu. Grreat . . . I'm trying to not to freak out, but there are so many sick heffers around. I have been washing my hands like crazy though and hand sanitizer is my new best friend.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


So drinking alcohol sucks. It's not like I do it all the time, but I drank last night. Went out to the Abbey in West Hollywood with some friends and I was really looking forward to it. I needed to be around gayness I suppose. So I get a drink, watermelon martini on the rocks, served in a tall glass. I drink half of that shit and I'm buzzing hard. TOTAL LIGHTWEIGHT. Yea, I am. You know what though? I told myself I was only going to have 1 drink, but the martinis at the Abbey are like doubles. So I finished my drink and I was GONE. I didn't blackout or anything, but I felt like I was squinting my eyes the rest of the night, like nothing was really clear (lol). My friends and I ended up at HERE Bar where one of my friends bought me an apple martini (which I did NOT ask for btw, I wanted water!) I drank half of it and holy shit I was shitfaced. Yea, I know, "Jay you only had 2 drinks, you're a fucking lightweight." Well, YEA, that's why this post is titled "Lightweight."

For the most part, I had a gang of fun, got to dance, took a picture with a drag queen, very fulfilling gay night. Yea that's until after we left West Hollywood and my stomach became pissed at me for drinking. My friends and I went to Ihop to eat, but by then I was having a hard time trying not to pass out and trying not to feel like I was on one of those fucked up rides at a carnival where all you do is spin around. AND there was like a mosh pit going on inside my stomach. I tried to puke in the bathroom where it was convenient to puke, but my stomach was like, "Oh no Bitch, Ima be playing with you for a little bit longer." My stomach doesn't like to be trifled with. Anyway so we went back to my friend's house where I left my car and then said our goodbyes. I start walking to my car and BAM! sure enough I puke up those 2 martinis. Thank you stomach. Well I got into my car and passed out. Woke up an hour or so later and some how made it home. Puking sucks major ass. I woke up this morning (or rather, early afternoon) nauseous and with a raging . . . HEADACHE.

Prior to the vomiting and wanting to die, I did have a really good time with my friends. I also learned a few things: I have a limit of 1 drink only and I must never piss off my stomach because I will severely pay for it later. Oh, and I am happy to report that I was not involved in any acts of debauchery (actually, should I be happy about that?)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


So like, okay, I don't mean to be all, "creepy guy staring from his bedroom window," but that's exactly what this is. My neighbor is so freaking hot. He lives in the building next to mine so I see him coming up the stairs to his place all the time. Oh and if I'm in the kitchen, like at the kitchen sink, he's pretty much directly across from me (I'm sure he's seen me washing the dishes with my yellow dish washing gloves on, UGH!). Anyway, he's got this cute lean body, kinda like a surfer or swimmer's body, he's all tan and his face is CUTE. I don't know if he's Latino or what, but he's hot! The only thing I don't like about him is HIS GIRLFRIEND. She is blah. I know I'm probably hating on her because I'm jealous, but that's fine with me. I've been thinking about saying hi to them (him) when I'm in the kitchen because we "see" each other all the time, but I always feel awkward. I'd like to know what his name is though. Right now he's just "Hot Neighbor Guy With Blah Girlfriend." Alright, I'm gonna stop here before I creep MYSELF out. Byee!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I Can Be Loose Without the Goose

Eww, nevermind. Anyway this is a song I've been bumping (and trying to dance all sexy to) for the past few days now, Jamie Foxx feat. T-Pain, Blame It. The song is hot, but the video is, actually the video is kinda funny. I know it don't mean to be though lol Anyways, it's a typical hip hop/rnb video, at the club with a bunch of hoes, blah blah. However, check out Jamie's entourage:

• Forest Whitaker - okay, fellow Oscar winner, ya'll can show off your Oscars, I got you
• Samuel L. Jackson - aight, I definitely see Sam as one of his boys
• Jake Gyllenhaal - hmmm . . . squinted my face on this one like What? for a minute, but then I thought, Jake's down, it's all good.

Oh but there's one more homie kickin it with Jamie and his boys: RON HOWARD. Oops, I mean, RON HOWARD??

Sure enough, it is Academy Award winning director of A Beautiful Mind, Ron Howard, all up in the video with Jamie at the club, throwin' up his glass of champagne with the rest of the entourage surrounded by video girls. Check out when Ron Howard makes his first appearance in the video, hair missing on top of his head as always. I literally said What the hell? Ron Howard? It's kinda funny.

Also kinda strange though is how there are credits in the beginning. All dramatic like there's some plot to this video. No plot though. Sorry Sam, but I thought you were gonna be some gangster bad guy trying to steal shit from Jamie (I got that idea all from the fact that the credits introduce Samuel L. Jackson last: AND Samuel L. Jackson . . . . oooh!) Pretty much the video is about all these guys just at the club and I guess blaming "it" on the alcohol. We don't really see what the "it" is though. Aight, I've yapped way too long about this simple ass video. Check it out. I still love the song btw!

Today's Jay

Just thought I'd share my daily updates a la myspace, facebook and twitter for today Friday, 4/24/2009 because today was kind of a heavy update day for some reason.

"Jay wants his hot neighbor to 1.) leave his big assed girlfriend and 2.) not be straight. That is all."

found a new evil he must resist: California Burrito (meat, sour cream, cheese and french fries) from the Mex. joint down the street. *Sigh*"

"You came into my house, you touched my chil . . . you think you crazay? I'll SHOW you crazay . . ." UH OH UH OH UH OH UH NO NO! haha oh Beyonce..."

"Jay saw on E! News that Britney lost a piece of her weave during her show. Talk about "U wanna piece of weave? U WANNA PIECE OF WEAVE!" ha!"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I need a dose of Damien Rice

. . . when I'm sad or depressed. I'm not feeling that way right now, but I was introducing Damien Rice to a friend earlier so I thought I'd share here too. I recommend Mr. Rice's music when you need to cry, he's been through some pain you can tell, but oh the beauty that comes out after . . .

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've been in love with these two for a while now. Models AND brothers David and Joel Fumero. So gorgeous it's ridiculous. Oh, and I'd like to add them to the list of things I want.



Joel on top of David

Things I Want (right now)

I'm in a mood right now, so I need to release. So don't be a judgepacker, stay a fudgepacker (HA!).

- I want to go on a date with a cute guy.
- I want to create a photo album on my myspace and title it "He Finally Showed Up."
- I want my financial aid to really AID me.
- I want a hot, homecooked meal.
- I want to look over at my bed and see him laying down watching TV.
- I want to know who HE is.
- I want to get this test over with.
- I want to have my paper finished already.
- I want to have a life without lonliness.
- I want to be as happy as I was when Britney was lipsynching to me.
- I want to stop hating.
- I want to stop being so addicted to the internet.
- I want to be recognized.
- I want to be a hot gay guy.
- I want to feel rested.
- I want a double double from In N Out with fries and a chocolate shake.
- I want to have someone who really understands.
- I want to understand.

I know

I know, last post was in 2008, that's so lame. But whatever, I'm here right now, so like, shut up. *muah*